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来源:五百丁 作者:五百丁


电子工程专业英文简历范文   Adam Rice   123, North Street Atlanta, Georgia, 01234   TELL:****** Email:***********   Career Objective   To obtain a managerial electronics engineer position that supports product development   Summary of Skills   . Expertise in electrica1 circuit design and testing techniques   . Knowledge of computer programming that include C++, Java & Pascal   . Good academic record in electronic engineering   Professional Experience   AT&A, Decatur, GA, 2005 to Present   Electronic Engineer   . Providing assistance to trainee engineers in the R&D laboratory   . Responsible for testing equipment circuits and its new features   . Acting as a liaison between R&D and manufacturing department   . Trained technicians for the proper use of machines and equipments   Bell Telecom, Oakdale , GA, 2004 -2005   Trainee Engineer   . Responsible for instrument's precision & quality check that included electric adjustments laser alignment   City Electronic Industries, Bolton, GA, 2002 -2004   Intern Engineer   . Developed plan for the control panels   . Assisted to develop testing units for automotive industry   . Developed engineering plans for the interior and fabrication of high end automobiles   Educational Qualification   Georgia State University, New York Bachelor of Science in   Electronic Engineering, 2002   【拓展阅读】   英文简历制作禁忌   1.在个人简历中的所有工作描述都使用现在时。   2.使用第三人称书写个人简历。   3.太多的语法和拼写错误。   4.为了在简历上多放点信息,使用很小很小的字体(1号字体甚至更小)。   5.在简历上方放照片(这点是个文化偏好问题)。   6.个人兴趣和运动的列表。   7.发过来的简历名称是“wbd.doc”,用你的名字或叙述性标志名称来命名简历。   8.用表格的形式书写简历。   9.使用带密码保护的简历而不发送密码。   1.简历中包含的参考信息不是专业的,而是朋友或同事的评价。



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