题记:前几天有几位读者从后台发信息给我们:他们是刚毕业的大学生,下个月马上毕业就要参加工作了,但不知道面试时该注意些什么,以及没有做过外贸刚进去该做些什么 事,要我们给他们讲讲。
答:如果是到一家外贸公司应聘外贸业务员,口试笔试都有可能。 以下是外贸面试常见的一些情况:
口试时英文的自我介绍一般是免不了的。有工作经验的当然得多谈谈你的工作经验,比如某年某月到某年某月,在某某公司,某某职位,主要负责某某工 作,取得了什么什么的成绩。
如果你没有工作经验,你就要在自我介绍中多介绍一下自己的专业学习和英语水平。如果你是学生干部,说说你的工作表现(即使不是 学生干部你也瞎编吧,这已经是一种潜规则了,呵呵)。
如果你考过了诸如外销员资格考试、报关员资格考试之类的考试,那你一定要说。至于比如你哪一年出生 的,哪里人,兴趣爱好等等,不说也罢,除非他们问你。招聘单位才不关心这些呢,他们只关心你的能力和水平。自我介绍完一般是就你的自我介绍提问。这个就没 法预测了,随机应变吧。
口试还有可能考些国贸实务的内容(内容集中在三个主要的海运贸易术语、L/C及T/T支付方式、保险及运费的计算,其他的应该不会 考,除非是一些以做其他贸易术语为主的公司),不过不大可能让你用英语回答,所以只要自己对实务课有点把握,问题就不大。
笔试的话一般是测试你的外贸英语,比如翻译一个客户邮件(有时翻完后会告诉你需要回复的主要内容,要你现场答复)、翻译一个外销合同、翻译一份信 用证等等。具体内容就不大确定了。我也有碰到过两次让我翻译专业性资料的情况。这就看你英语的真实水平了,事先准备都准备不了的,只能到时候尽力而为。
Tell me about yourself.
Who or what has had the greatest influence on the development of your career interests?
How have your educational and work experiences prepared you for this position?
What factors did you consider in choosing your major?
Why are you interested in our organization?
What kind of work do you want to do?
What is your GPA? Does your GPA reflect your ability?
What goals have you set for yourself?
How do you plan to achieve your goals?
Tell me how you perceive your strengths? Weaknesses?
How do you evaluate yourself?
What work experience has been the most valuable to you and why?
What has been your greatest challenge?
What were the biggest problems you encountered in college? How have you handled them? What did you learn from them?
How do you think you have changed personally since you started college?
Why did you choose the extracurricular activities that you did? What did you gain? What did you contribute?
What was the most useful criticism you received and who was it from?
Tell me about a project you initiated.
How do you solve conflicts?
Give me an example of a problem you solved and the process you used.
Describe the project or situation that best demonstrates your analytical skills.
What one academic course did you have that had the greatest impact on you and why?
Give examples of your "team player" qualities.
Take me through a project where you demonstrated planning skills.
How do you motivate people?
What types of situations put you under pressure and how do you deal with the pressure?
Tell me about a difficult decision you have made.
Give an example of a situation in which you failed and how you handled it.
Tell me about a situation when you had to persuade another person to see your point of view.
What frustrates you the most?
What interests or concerns you about the position or company?
Give me a specific example of your work or learning in a multicultural setting and what impact did the experience have on you?
What two or three accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction?
Describe a situation where you had a conflict with another individual, and how you dealt with it.
Describe your leadership style.
In a particular leadership role, what was the greatest challenge?
What characteristics do you think are important for this position?
What can you contribute to our organization?
What challenges are you looking for in a position?
How are you conducting your job search and how will you make your decision?
What are your expectations of your future employer?
What two or three things are most important to you in a position?
What do we need to know about you that has not been covered?
Why should we hire you?
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